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CBD Skincare Routine for Oily Skin: Proven Steps for Optimal Results

Let's face it; oily skin can be a hassle, and it's also a reality for many people. So, what's the best skincare routine to follow for people with oily skin?...

Let's face it; oily skin can be a hassle, and it's also a reality for many people. So, what's the best skincare routine to follow for people with oily skin? Let's find out.

Identify Your Skin Type: Oily Skin Explained

First things first, you need to know if you do indeed have oily skin. This skin type is characterized by an overproduction of sebum—a natural skin oil that keeps skin hydrated and healthy. But when there's too much of it, you're prone to shiny skin, enlarged pores, and possible breakouts. The upside? Oily skin tends to age slower.

So, how can you tell if you have oily skin? Well, it's not rocket science. If your face shines brighter than a diamond by midday, or if you find yourself reaching for blotting papers every few hours, you're probably a member of the oily skin club.

If you had oily skin at one point in your life (we all sort of did as a teenager) you may want to reevaluate your skin as an adult, because the skin changes and dries out as we age. You may still have the enlarged pores in certain areas, but this is simply oily skin that has matured and no longer has the excess oil production or elasticity to bounce back. It is not always an indication of oily skin. 

Don't despair! Having oily skin isn't a life sentence of bad skin days. On the contrary, establishing a skincare routine tailored to your skin type can help maintain balance and keep the greasiness in check. Let's talk about how to care for oily skin and glow without looking greasy.

Acne-Prone Skin: It’s Complicated

As an Esthetician, I treat people with Acne-Prone skin daily. Clients come in for a facial, hoping for a quick fix, and much of the time, the client has no idea why they are breaking out or what to do about it.

The technical reason why people get acne is fairly boring and straightforward; sebum builds up in the hair follicle (pore) and the pore becomes clogged with dead skin cells. Then the bacteria grows in the pore, resulting in a whitehead, pustule or papule, cysts, or blackheads when the sebum oxidizes in an open pore.

Pimples come in all shapes and sizes and can be caused by everything from your age and hormones to medications, your diet, environmental factors, stress, a reaction to skincare products, makeup, or over-exfoliating. The laundry list of what could be making you break out is exhausting to consider. But let’s be clear; oily skin can look healthy and glowing. 

Keep Your Skin, Hair, Towels and Pillowcases Clean

Managing your Acne-Prone Skin starts with cleanliness! This not only means that you should keep your face clean, but your hair as well. If your hair is dirty (i.e. dry shampoo for the 2nd time this week) or you are using hair products that migrate onto your face, this can cause your skin to react around the hairline and everywhere your hair touches your face. Also, the scalp is also skin and should be kept clean too. If our scalp is oily, your face will be too.

Let’s talk about the things that touch your face. Your pillow case absorbs everything that touches it, from your skin oils to your hair oils and products. It’s kind of gross when you think about it. Changing your pillowcase every 2nd day keeps the zits away! And don’t forget to change out your washcloths each time you use them, and towels every second day or so. 

Facial cleanliness: First let’s talk about your cleanser. Not all cleansers are created equal, and using a product that's too harsh can strip your skin of its natural oils so much that it becomes dry and irritated. Here's the twist: this can actually trigger more oil production!

So, what's the best cleanser for people with oily skin? Traditional gel or foaming cleansers formulated for Acne typically contain ingredients like Salicylic Acid, Benzoyl Peroxide, Retinol or Glycolic Acid. While these ingredients help in dissolving the excess sebum and unclogging pores, they can also be harsh and drying to the skin, so if you use them, watch for redness, irritation, flaking, or tight skin. These are signs that the product is drying your oily skin too much. 

As counterintuitive as it may sound, an oil cleanser is a gentle and effective option for Acne-prone skin! Look for an oil cleanser that emulsifies and rinses clean, going from an oil to a milk when water meets cleanser. Oil cleansers work because “like attracts like.” The oils in the cleanser are massaged into the oils on your skin and are gently washed away with water. Oils help to loosen dried skin and sebum from clogged pores and cleanse it all away. Oil cleansers also remove makeup, sunscreen, and environmental pollution from the skin, leaving it soft and supple. 

How and When to Cleanse

Remember, cleansing should be the first step in your skincare routine, morning and night at minimum. This helps to remove any dirt, sweat, sunscreen or makeup that's built up on your skin throughout the day or night. Plus, a clean face ensures that the rest of your skincare products can do their job more effectively.

Here is a guideline for cleansing your oily skin.

  1. Every morning, right after waking up. Not 4 hours after. I see you.
  2. After you workout, wash away sweat and oil.
  3. Before bed: Double Cleanse. Once is to remove the day, The second time is to clean deeper. Double cleansing at night is key to keeping your skin clean and clear.
  4. Makeup - this is a very common instigator of breakouts. If you wear it to work, cleanse when you get home and get that stuff off your face. Never wear your makeup to bed. Never ever.
  5. Protective face masks can cause “maskne.” Washing your face often after wearing a mask may help “maskne” from forming. 

Lastly, always be gentle! Scrubbing your face like it's a dirty pot won't do you any favors. Instead, massage the cleanser into your skin with your fingers, using upward circular motions. Then rinse with lukewarm water—hot water can irritate your skin and stimulate oil production.

To Tone or Not to Tone

After cleansing, the next step in the best skincare routine for oily skin is applying a toner. But, wait a minute, what is toning, and why is it important?

Think of toner as the helpful assistant that makes everyone else's job easier. It's designed to balance your skin's pH levels after cleansing and if it’s a good one, it will deliver some active ingredients to your skin. When your skin's pH is balanced, it's less likely to produce excess oil. A toner should not be a second cleanse or a way to get the rest of the makeup off your face. If you are seeing dirt or discoloration on your cotton pad when using a toner, your skin is not getting clean enough when you cleanse. 

Traditional toners for oily skin may contain witch hazel, salicylic acid, or tea tree oil, but they may also contain Alcohol, which is drying to the skin. A different and better option may be a toner with ingredients like Niacinamide, CBD, White Willow Bark or Allantoin to calm the skin and bring it into balance.

Exfoliate! But Not Too Much!

Exfoliation— it's simpler than you think. It's the superhero in your skincare routine, swooping in to whisk away dead skin cells and clean deeply. The result? Glowing skin that looks clearer and brighter, and that's less prone to oil build-up and acne.

So, you're probably wondering: "How does this fit into the best skincare routine for people with oily skin?" Well, the answer lies in the type of exfoliator you choose and the frequency that you use it. 

Exfoliants are plentiful in skincare and can give your skin a polished glow. There are chemical exfoliants like AHAs (Alpha Hydroxy Acids), BHAs (Beta Hydroxy Acids), PHAs (Poly Hydroxy Acids), and Enzymes. Manual exfoliators are basically scrubs of all kinds. 

For Acne-prone skin, chemical exfoliators are great. They penetrate deeper into the skin, unclogging pores and reducing oil production. That said, a gentle polish is a great way to rid your skin of the dead surface skin. 

But remember, exfoliation is not an everyday thing. Overdoing it might irritate your skin. So, stick to 1-2 times a week, and always follow up with a good serum and  moisturizer. Speaking of serums, that's our next topic. Ready to dive in?

A Serum is Magic in a Bottle

Now we're moving on to a step that can truly elevate your skincare game: serums. You might be thinking, "Wait, I've got oily skin. Do I even need a serum?" The answer is a resounding yes! Despite the common misconception, serums aren't just for dry skin.

A good serum can deliver powerful ingredients directly into your skin. They're packed with high concentrations of active ingredients that can help with a variety of skin concerns, from deep hydration to brightening, calming and restoring damaged skin.

For Acne-prone/oily skin, opt for a daily serum with ingredients that help calm and clarify like Niacinamide, CBD, Green Tea, or White Willow Bark. Hydrating ingredients like glycerine, Hyaluronic Acid or Tremella Mushroom, or gentle exfoliating enzymes. 

By adding a serum to your regimen, you're taking a step further in finding what's the best skincare routine to follow for your skin. Remember, every skin is unique — it's all about finding what works best for your specific skin.

Oily Skin Still Needs to Moisturize!

You've cleansed, toned, exfoliated, and applied a serum—your skin is almost singing with joy. Now it's time to seal the deal with a moisturizer. But wait, you might be thinking, "I have oily skin, do I really need more moisture?" Absolutely, yes! Skipping moisturizer can actually trick your skin into producing more oil. 

Moisturizers can come in the form of emulsions - creams and lotions that hopefully contain active ingredients that help to hydrate and nurture your skin. Moisturizers can also be oils - straight up and used in moderation on oily skin. Yes, you can use a few drops of oil on oily skin as long as the oils are non-comedogenic. Some good moisturizer ingredients are Hyaluronic Acid, Hemp Seed Oil, Squalane, and CBD. 

Here's your basic daily skincare routine steps for morning and night:

  1. Cleanse (and exfoliate a few times a week)
  2. Tone
  3. Apply Serum
  4. Apply Moisturizer

Remember, the goal is to keep your skin clean, nourished, hydrated and protected. Oily skin should glow, without making it look like a shiny disco ball. Up next: the importance of sunscreen. Ready to learn more?

Don’t Skip the Sunscreen

Hang on, you're not done with your skincare routine just yet! You’ve got your cleanser, toner, exfoliator, serum and moisturizer all lined up. But there's one crucial step you shouldn't skip: sunscreen. Yes, even if you have oily skin, and yes, even when it's not sunny outside.

Sunscreen is your first line of defense against the sun’s harmful UV rays, which can lead to premature aging and, more seriously, skin cancer. Not only that, skipping sunscreen can cause hyperpigmentation where you have breakouts.

Look for a sunscreen that is lightweight, mineral-based, and has a minimum SPF of 30, preferably 50 SPF. Some sunscreens are designed specifically for oily skin, offering high protection without leaving a greasy film.

When it comes to applying sunscreen, follow these steps:

  1. Apply a generous amount to your face and neck after your moisturizer has fully absorbed.
  2. Don't forget about your ears and back of the neck—areas often overlooked!
  3. Reapply every 2 hours when you're out in the sun, or more frequently if you're swimming or sweating.

Adding sunscreen to your skincare routine is a game-changer. Not only does it protect your skin from sun damage, it also helps to prevent the appearance of dark spots and wrinkles. So, even if you have oily skin, don't shy away from the sunscreen. Trust me, your skin will thank you in the long run!

Weekly Face Masks for Extra Care

Switching gears a bit, let's talk about face masques. A good masque is your secret weapon, you know, the extra tool in your skincare arsenal that you break out once a week. They're like an intense, concentrated boost to your usual routine and for oily skin, can help calm the chaos. 

Think of face masks as your weekly skin pampering session. It's your “me time,” a moment to relax and give your skin some extra love. 

Here's your easy guide to using a face masque:

  1. Start with a clean face. And exfoliate for a complete spa facial treatment.
  2. Apply the masque evenly across your face, avoiding the eye and lip area.
  3. Relax, have a CBD gummy and let the mask work its magic.
  4. Rinse off completely and follow up with your serum, moisturizer, and sunscreen.
  5. Tip - use your face masque as a spot treatment on an angry pimple!

There you have it! Adding a weekly face mask to your routine can give your skin that extra care it needs. But remember, while face masks can give a boost, they're not a replacement for a consistent daily routine. So, don't skip those essential steps we've talked about!

A Healthy Diet and Stress Relief for Better Skin

When we talk about skincare, we often focus on what we put on our skin. But let's not forget about what we put in our bodies and what is going on in our lives to cause us stress. Think about it. What you eat can directly affect the health of your skin. And a stressful life can cause that oily skin to break out even more. 

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can make a noticeable difference to your skin. These foods are packed with vitamins and antioxidants that can help combat complicated skin. 

And have you noticed that when you are stressed out, it shows on your skin?

Nobody likes to hear So, you might be wondering, "Does this mean I should ditch fast food?" Well, not necessarily. But balance is key.

Here are some superfoods for healthy skin:

  • Fruits and vegetables: Brightly colored fruits and veggies like berries, spinach, and bell peppers are rich in antioxidants. They help protect skin cells from damage and can reduce excess oil.
  • Whole grains: Foods like brown rice, oatmeal, and whole-wheat bread are high in fiber, which helps control blood sugar levels. This can result in fewer breakouts and less oil production.
  • Lean proteins: Try to include lean proteins like fish, turkey, and chicken in your diet. They are rich in essential amino acids which help repair and renew skin cells.
  • Healthy fats: Yes, you read that right. Foods like avocados, nuts, and olive oil contain healthy fats that can hydrate your skin from the inside out.

You see, a balanced diet is not just great for your overall health but also for your skin. So, when you're figuring out what's the best skincare routine to follow for people with oily skin, never underestimate the power of a healthy diet. After all, beauty starts from within, right?

Regular Exercise: Its Impact on Skin Health

Let's sweat it out! If you've ever wondered "what's the best skincare routine to follow for people with oily skin?", then you might be surprised to find out that regular exercise could be your new secret weapon.

When you engage in physical activity, your heart rate increases, which improves blood circulation. This process delivers oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells, helping them to function optimally. But the benefits don't stop there.

Ever noticed that post-workout glow? That's because exercise helps to flush cellular debris out of your system, effectively cleansing your skin from the inside. This could be the answer to your oily skin woes!

But hold on, there's a catch. Be sure to cleanse your face both before and after your workout. Sweat can mix with oil and dirt on your skin and clog your pores, leading to breakouts. And we don't want that, do we?

Here are some exercise tips for healthier skin:

  • Aim for 30 minutes a day: Whether it's a brisk walk, a quick yoga session, or a high-intensity workout, any form of exercise can contribute to healthier skin.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Wear breathable clothing: Choose workout gear that allows your skin to breathe. This can help prevent sweat and oil from being trapped against your skin.

So, let's get moving! Regular exercise not only benefits your body but can also play a significant role in your skincare routine. Remember, when it comes to figuring out what's the best skincare routine to follow for people with oily skin, it's not just about what you apply on your skin, but also about the lifestyle choices you make. Happy exercising!

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